Friday, November 4, 2011

Legroom Anyone?

Traveling these days can be so uncomfortable, with dreaded journeys at the airport, long waiting time at the security lines, hiked up prices for everything from snacks to magazines and so many more unpleasant experiences. The commercial flight isn’t that fun either. An airplane shared with hundreds of people, uncomfortable seats, and don’t even try to ask for a blanket, in the best of cases it’s going to cost you.

Legroom is also delicate subject, as there is none for most passengers on most flight. Travelers, especially tall ones, have their knees glued against the seat in front of them for the entire flight, giving them back pain and stiff joints. MSN reports that the average coach seat on a commercial airline has 31 inches of legroom. (Spirit Airlines has only 28 inches, JetBlue has 34 inches). Some commercial airlines even ask for an extra fee to possibly add three extra inches, but even if you’re willing to pay, that doesn’t mean you’ll be able too, because there’s only a very small number of seats with those extra three inches.

If legroom on a flight is an issue for you, opt to fly on a private air charter with Sky Limo Air Charter. You’ll have all the legroom you want because the entire private jet will be yours. You’ll have plush, leather seats, privacy and silence, not to mention the very best in concierge services to help you map out your vacation or business trip.

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