Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Airline Hassles and How To Avoid Them

Layovers are a risk and huge hassle when you fly with a commercial airline instead of a private jet. Layovers can be due to multiple reasons and without much warning. According to a travel article on CNN.com, if you find out early enough you can call the airline and get on the next nonstop flight at no additional cost. If there are no nonstop flights, the travel article suggests you ask for a refund. You should also know that layovers could happen more frequently at the end of the month because of flight crews reaching their cap on the number of hours they’re allowed to work. So by adding a layover, a commercial airline can get a new crew to work and fly. To try to avoid that, fly earlier in the month.
To avoid layovers all together, charter a private aircraft for your very own private flight. You’ll set up your trip according to your schedule and decide when you want to fly. You won’t have to deal with cancellations either and will experience the very best way to travel. Sky Limo Air Charter also provides concierge services that can help you with reservations and other traveling needs. Why fly commercial when you can fly the private aviation way?

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